Pen and Ink Drawing by gatHERer, Carman Weathington

We periodically highlight brief bios of the remarkable gatHERers who are part of our growing community. At gatHERing, we believe that by sharing the unique talents and gifts of all of our gatHERers we can positively impact each others’ lives and well-being. Please feel free to reach out to any of our gatHERers to learn more about who they are and what they can do for you.

Featured: gatHERers

Hazel Tabayoyong

Hazel is a self-proclaimed work-in-progress and not afraid to admit it. She loves to step back, appreciate what is and create simple, playful ways to improve and enjoy life more fully every single day. Transformed by the challenges of pandemic isolation, she now offers virtual integrative coaching and bodywork that helps people understand how to transmute the energy of their pain and stress into a new narrative of healing with purpose. The gatHERings heart-centered community has supported the journey to her revitalized practice by creating a safe space to share challenges, learn from others and explore complicated emotions. gatHERings is a place where you can check your ego at the door, pull up a chair and just BE. 


Linda Lee Pace

Linda, a commercial real estate consultant, reading tutor for underserved children, personal Pilates coach, and mother of 3 delightful grown children embarking on exciting careers and lives, is passionate about bringing the same warmth and authenticity to her work life as she does to her family and friends. During Covid she decided to risk being more open and vulnerable with extended family and those she loves in order to deepen those relationships with more meaningful bonds. She feels lucky to have an amazing group of strong, beautiful girlfriends that love travelling and exploring new places as much as she does. For Linda, gatHERing events help her “focus on mind, body and spirit health and wellness as well as gain enormous wisdom and support from a diverse and wise group of women.” She devotes much of her free time giving back to others all the blessings she feels life has given her. 

Linda Linker Rosenthal

Linda’s work as a transpersonal psychologist and holistic healer is to create a safe, peaceful, and sacred space for others to transmute fear into love and live authentically. In 1995, she founded Insight Out Visionary Healing Arts Center in NW Indiana where she has expressed herself as an award-winning author, recording artist, teacher, spiritual mentor, Revolutionary Agreements Coach and Lover of Life. Her work is currently expanding to a global online program called The Healing Field for personal, cultural, and planetary healing under the umbrella of the non-profit organization, Good of the Whole. Grandmother Linda’s greatest joy is spending time with her 5 little granddaughter goddesses! Find Linda at and  “I hold great gratitude for my sister co-heart, Paula, who introduced me to the fun, thought-provoking, and delightful gatHERing events. Connecting with creative, curious, and open women in these circles has inspired me to explore more deeply the meaning and magic of Sisterhood!

Beth Conaghan

Beth, a Certified Sageing Leader with Sageing International, facilitates “Awakening The Sage Within,”workshops and Wisdom Circles that focus on conscious aging and spiritual eldering as a model to engage more deliberately, joyfully, and compassionately as we grow older.  An avid walker and meditator, she trained Registered Nurses in the corporate world and taught college students as adjunct faculty.  “GatHERing events with like-minded, adventurous women is such a gift!!  We are provided support and encouragement as we journey together to “Age With Grace.”

Rhea Yeager

Rhea is a physical therapist, and while her job demands are stressful, she saw them as gifts that introduced her to meditation, yoga, and journaling. They have become the mainstays for connecting to herself.  She is a storyteller using scrapbooking as her medium to share the highlights of her life and her relationships creatively. She belongs to several communities of women who share her passion for books, fitness, and spirituality.  For Rhea, “The women in the gatHERing community have created a safe and nurturing environment that allows all of us to step out, take chances, and express our authentic selves.”

Jane Bethke

Jane has recently begun a new chapter as a private health and wellness coach.  She led group wellness sessions at a well-known company for ten years and has decided it is time to become an independent coach!  Her greatest joy is helping an individual identify their true self through what they think, what they feel, and what they do. To find out more about her 90-day transformational program and/or her 14-day cleanse, contact her at  Her message to past, present, and future gatHERers is this: “The energy and information at gatHERring events is contagious!  The programs are welcoming, relaxed, and informative.  I always feel enriched and refreshed after attending an event.”  

Holly Marihugh

Holly leads book discussions and presents live audio-visual biographies about inspiring people through her business, BooksLive. Beyond that, you can see her cycling through local nature trails, walking her dog Cassidy, or creating social media content for a Chicagoland non-profit. Connecting with women through gatHERing events, Holly says, “Gives me a push to step forward and make the next few years productive, yet still playful, and ultimately, very meaningful.” If you’d like to reach Holly, contact her at

Carman Weathington, artist

Carman is a spiritual advisor, teacher, and coach on life affairs.  With her connection with spirit, she creates a supportive and safe space for conversation, facilitating clarity and helping others move forward in their lives. However, her sweet spot is her spiritual readings and individual coaching.   In her own spiritual journey Carman discovered she is an artist.  She has tapped into her creativity and has also helped others find theirs. Her artwork is shown below. 
You can reach her for coaching or a spiritual reading at: and you can see her latest creative endeavors on both Facebook or Instagram at CarmanWeathingtonStudio.  Carman’s thoughts on gatHERing: “gatHERing has been a Godsend for me.  When I leave those important conversations, I feel renewed, hopeful and I always want more.  What I know for sure, when women gather, great things happen.  Great things are happening for me at the gatHERing events.”
Know someone who should be a featured gatHERer? Send us an email at

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