The sacred act of gathering allows us to open up and explore our creativity, our insights, our feelings, our imaginings and our courage in a community of fellow discoverers.  

gatHERing is dedicated to heightening women’s awareness of their feminine power to elevate their impact in the world. We believe that, in community with other women, we can become more intentional about how best to express our creativity and our voices and use our inner strength for the benefit of all.

Through workshops, storytelling events and other opportunities to gatHER, we create a space where everyone is honored and valued. Together, we can learn with and from each other in important areas of our lives such as integrative health and well-being and life transitions. As coaches, we can also support you one-on-one.

Dream, create, and share your wise voice with us. We are here to gatHER that wisdom in service to you.

your gatHERers


Kate Coughlin
“Bonus Life” Coaching
with Kate Coughlin

Never in the history of this planet and not available to many with less privilege, increased longevity has created a new 20-year adult life stage that I call our “Bonus Life”. As pioneers of this new adulthood, we need new perspectives, new tools, and intentional consideration of what we want from this bonus time. Have you taken the time to assess all the wisdom you have accumulated? Have you considered the legacy you might create in these bonus years? Do you have the support and resources to make your dreams a reality?

I believe there are three “legs” needed to bolster you as you plan this Bonus Life: Self-knowledge, Resources, and Supportive Community. I work with clients to ensure that they have all the latest practices and approaches at their fingertips to create a new life that takes full advantage of this incredible bonus.


For more information, reach out to Kate at (847)308-7256 or
Kate received her coaching certificate from Northwestern University.



Stephanie Vlahakis
Holistic Health and Well-being Coaching
with Stephanie Vlahakis 

We achieve optimal well-being when our mind, body, and spirit are in balanced alignment. Our needs and challenges constantly change as unique beings, requiring us to regularly assess what is missing. With the endless responsibilities and distractions of daily living, it’s easy to lose sight of what you care most about in life, as in your core values. Core values include family, friendships, spirituality, self-care, environment, mind-body connection, professional development, and life purpose. Reclaiming those values along with the stories of past lives and forgotten hopes and dreams are the integral keys to re-aligning balance and well-being. 

We grow through what we go through, and optimal well-being is achieved when we acknowledge and embrace what we have lived through and learned. Your unique story and core values are the pathways to rediscovering your true self, whole health, and well-being.

For more information, reach out to Stephanie at (847)867-7747 or
Stephanie is a Duke IM Certified Integrative Health Coach and a graduate of the Plant Based Nutrition Certificate Program at the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutritional Studies.


Paula Moscinski
Life Transitions Coaching Through the Sacred Feminine
with Paula Moscinski  

Most of our life transitions throw us off balance, make us squirm, or confuse us.   On the other hand, they can make us stronger, more centered, and joyful.  In Life Transitions Coaching through the Sacred Feminine, you will identify the essentiality of your transition and be provided with tools and exercises that tap into your inner guidance to create and manage your transitional path.

The Sacred Feminine is an energy within us expressed through the qualities of compassion, loving-kindness, radical truth-telling, inclusiveness, patience, deep listening, and acceptance. As your coach, I help guide you to utilize these qualities as you get intimate with your deepest longings and with the doubt, fear of the unknown, any hurt or grief that your transition is unmasking.
 Step into a whole new and enlivening way to navigate your life transitions.
For more information, reach out to Paula at (312)310-5002 or
Paula is a certified professional coach through the Co-Active Training Institute.


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